What will this mean for Facebook?

Recently, rumours have swirled over Facebook’s plan to remove like counts from their app. It appears that a prototype of this appears on the latest Android update. How will this impact your social media marketing? Earlier this year, Facebook-owned Instagram started to trial their app without a like counter in certain countries including Australia and China. This was met with outrage from social media influencers. However it is true that you can still view your own like count.

In fact, the reality is that Facebook are addressing concerns about how mental health is affected by social media. Far too many people use likes for self-gratification, which can have an adverse affect on your self esteem.

What will this mean for you?

Ultimately, nothing will change. However, from a marketing perspective this could do a world of good. We’ve all seen profiles that have clearly paid for followers to boost their numbers. But are you aware of the risks? Moreover, it turns out that paying for likes is seriously damaging for your page. By buying likes, you fill your audience with mostly bot accounts that don’t engage and don’t encourage or promote your products in any useful way. By removing the amount of likes displayed to users, it completely obliterates the reason to pay for useless likes.

Don’t Worry About Likes

So in short, let’s face it. Nothing has changed here. In fact, the same rules apply if you want to stand out on social media. Make sure your profile is a high-end resource that’s well worth the time and attention of the prospects you’re courting. But if you’re going to try out Facebook ads, give it a Google and find a decent beginners guide. If you’re going to post content, make sure it’s top quality. Ask yourself this, what value are you giving people to make them visit your page?

Do your Facebook likes really convert to clients? Or are they just vanity metrics? Let us know by getting in touch or comment below. We’d love to hear your thoughts!